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Environment, climate and energy


September 2023
Job offer – EU Policy Officer (VIE -Brussels)
April 2022
Commission’s consultation on a right to repair – AFEP’s contribution
January 2022
AFEP positions on the priorities of the French presidency of the Council of the EU
January 2022
Position on the « Fit for 55 » Package: energy taxation (ETD), renewable energies (RED) and energy efficiency (EED)
November 2021
Position on the EU “Fit for 55” package: Emission Trading System (ETS) and Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)
September 2021
AFEP Position – Revised Guidelines on State Aid for Climate, Energy and Environmental Aid (CEEAG)
May 2021
February 2021
AFEP Position on the review of the EU Emissions Trading System (EU-ETS)
December 2020
AFEP Report | Trade & Climate Change: Quantitative Assessment of the Best Policy Tools
December 2020
European Commission’s call for contribution – Competition policy’s role in achieving the objectives of the Green Deal
July 2020
Position on the EU climate ambition for 2030
April 2020
AFEP Position on the revision of the ETS State Aid Guideline
November 2019
Guiding companies to build their energy & climate scenarios: Report by The Shift Project for AFEP
October 2018
Afep position on the Action plan for sustainable finance
July 2018
Afep companies mobilise in support of biodiversity
May 2018
United Nations Global Pact: AFEP reiterates its support
February 2018
Climate risk analysis: How to improve its assessment? Study by The Shift Project think tank for AFEP