Digital services and green transition : A promising alliance


Digital services and green transition : A promising alliance that needs an incentive multilateral regulatory framework

 Afep, ICC France and USCIB co-organised on 29 September 2021 a panel on synergies between digital services and green transition and the potential role that WTO agreements can play in the roll-out of digital solutions at an international scale, in the margins of the WTO Public Forum. This event was the opportunity for the private sector to emphasize again it support to the WTO multilateral framework and also to stress the need for a reform of international trade rules to accompany the cross-border dimension of this tween transition, with the example of digital solutions helping the move toward sustainable agriculture and climate efficiency of energy production.

The panel gathered  the Ambassador of the Philippines to the WTO and Chair of the Trade and Environment Committee, Manuel Teehankee, the Ambassador of Singapore to the WTO and WIPO and Co-Chair of the JSI Working Groups on E-Commerce, the WTO Deputy Director General Jean-Marie Paugam,  the Vice President of USCIB, Brian Lowry, and the Group sustainability and energy transition for Sonepar, Tanguy Griffon.

 You can find below the integral panel discussions on the dedicated Youtube channel by linking on the following link

The WTO Public Forum has been also an opportunity for Afep to publish a position on large French companies’ priorities for the upcoming  WTO twelfth ministerial conference (see below)