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Economic law

Defending fair competition between companies guarantees a competitive economy.

Highlighting the value of the French economy in a complex international environment is one of AFEP’s constant concerns. Fair, profitable competition in all areas (consumer rights, intellectual property, digital, etc.) is a guarantee of competitiveness and a major issue for AFEP, which it lobbies for in Paris and Brussels.

Jocelyn Goubet
Director of Economic Law

Jocelyn Goubet joined AFEP in September 2023 as Director of Economic Law.

He focuses on matters relating to competition law, consumer law, as well as digital law – in particular the protection of personal data – and intellectual property. In this role, he regularly organises working groups with members in order to prepare and present AFEP’s position on draft legislation, or public consultations by independent administrative authorities, to the French and European public authorities. Jocelyn holds a Master 2 in European business law from the University of Paris 2 Panthéon Assas and a CAPA (legal practionner’s certificate), and has worked at the Paris Bar for over 10 years in the competition teams of business law firms including DLA Piper, Ashurst and Fourgoux & Associés.

Jocelyn Goubet
Director of Economic Law