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Taxation / July 2019

Large companies’s contribution to the french economy

Afep publishes the results of its annual survey confirming large companies’ importance in the French economy: 102 companies contribute to 14% of the added value created in France and hire 2.3 million employees (which represents 13% of the employees of the private sector).
The survey confirms that employees are the first beneficiaries of the value created (their share amounts to 63%). The French State received 14% (taxes and statutory contributions), while shareholders received 5%. The remaining 18% are allocated to investments and to other expenses.
102 Afep members paid a total of € 71 billion of statutory contributions. This amount accounts for 20% of the total of statutory contributions paid by enterprises in France in 2018 (€ 43 billion of contributions on employment, € 11 billion of corporate income tax, € 4,6 billion of taxes on turnover – VAT excluded – and €4 billion of property taxes).