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May 2018
United Nations Global Pact: AFEP reiterates its support
Two years after signing the United Nations Global Pact, AFEP has published its report on commitment to the ten principles in the field of human rights, the environment and anti-corruption measures. The report describes its actions and presents the results.
April 2018
Afep’s position on EU responses to US additional duties on imported steel and aluminium products.
French companies support the ongoing transatlantic dialogue with a view to avoiding a EU-US trade war. In the event safeguard measures would be taken, French companies invite the European Commission to take into account existing antidumping duties and to grant an exemption to steel and aluminium products imported from Turkey and the EEA countries. Potential rebalancing measures on US made products should minimise the negative impact for EU companies and be based on strictly economic reasoning.
March 2018
Contribution to ESMA consultation on technical standards regarding Prospectuses
Afep stresses the need for flexibility and to avoid additional costs in its answer to the consultation on the draft technical standard regarding key financial information, publication of prospectuses and supplements and advertisements.
February 2018
Climate risk analysis: How to improve its assessment? Study by The Shift Project think tank for AFEP
A crucial business risk with too many analysis methodologies
February 2018
« One Belt, One Road » : les nouvelles routes de la prospérité ?
Le présent flash s’intéresse à l’initiative « One Belt, One Road » lancée par la Chine : de quoi s’agit-il ? Quels en sont les enjeux, notamment économiques, pour le pays et le reste du monde ?
January 2018
Review of the European Supervisory Authorities
AFEP agrees that strengthening the supervision of European markets could help achieve better integration for certain cross-cutting activities and actors. But the key question is not whether the ESAs have sufficient powers but whether they make an efficient and relevant use of their powers.
November 2017
Recommendations from the Expert Group on Corporate Bonds
The expert group established by the European Commission and of which Afep is part makes 22 recommendations to improve corporate bonds markets.
July 2017
Contribution to ESMA consultation on the format, content and approval of Prospectuses
Afep stresses the need to give flexibility to companies in its answer to the consultation on Level 2 measures under the Prospectus Regulation regarding the format, content and approval of prospectuses.
June 2017
Afep’s position on the new antidumping methodology
Text concerned: Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EU) No 2016/1036 on the protection against dumped imports from countries not members of the European Union and Regulation (EU) No 2016/1037 on protection against subsidized imports from countries not members of the European Union – COM (2016) 721 final Procedure: 2016/0351 (COD)