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April 2020
AFEP Position on the revision of the ETS State Aid Guideline
In view of the revision in June 2020 of the State Aid guidelines implementing the Directive on the emission trading scheme (EU ETS), AFEP shares its position on the draft submitted by the European Commission (DG Competition).
March 2020
Position on the revision of the non-financial information reporting directive
The Non-Financial Reporting Directive requires large companies to publish regular reports on the social and environmental impacts of their activities.
January 2020
Collective Redress : AFEP’s position in view of the trialogues
December 2019
AFEP publishes its 2019 monitoring report on large companies’ commitments for a circular economy
November 2019
Guiding companies to build their energy & climate scenarios: Report by The Shift Project for AFEP
November 2019
UK Strategic Reports: a gold standard for corporate reporting ?
October 2019
AFEP updated position on taxonomy
July 2019
Large companies’s contribution to the french economy
Afep publishes the results of its annual survey confirming large companies’ importance in the French economy: 102 companies contribute to 14% of the added value created in France and hire 2.3 million employees (13% of the employees of the private sector).
July 2019
Adapt merger control to the challenges of globalisation