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July 2019
AFEP Position on the Review of the Market Abuse Regulation
June 2019
In a context of increasing trade tensions and technological changes that deeply modify international trade, Afep made a survey on large French companies ‘ priorities for the update of the EU trade policy to be made at the beginning of the new European Parliament and Commission’s term.
March 2019
The OECD’s work on the Digital Economy : what impact?
The OECD’s work on the digitalisation of the economy is expected to remodel the ground principles governing international taxation. With the new system, large international companies would allocate part of their profits to market and to user jurisdictions, i.e. to consumption countries.
March 2019
For an efficient mechanism for investor-state dispute settlement within the EU
AFEP and Deutsches Aktieninstitut are deeply concerned as to negative consequences arising from the judgement of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) in the Achmea case of 6 March 2018.
February 2019
French initiative on the relations between companies and non-financial rating agencies
This document presents a summary of the survey’s results and a set of recommendations aimed at improving the relations between companies and non-financial rating agencies.
October 2018
Afep position on the Action plan for sustainable finance
Corporates call on the European Union for a better involvement in all discussions and actions in the field of sustainable finance.
July 2018
Collective Redress Directive – AFEP Position
July 2018
Afep companies mobilise in support of biodiversity
As part of the Act4nature multi-stakeholder initiative, 30 AFEP companies have come together in support of biodiversity, with voluntary commitments put forward in July 2018. In total, 65 companies are involved in the initiative, all represented by their Directors.
June 2018
The AFEP-MEDEF Code 2018
Since 1995, AFEP and MEDEF have developed governance standards, to help listed companies improve their operations and management in full transparency , thus meeting the expectations of investors and the public. The latest revision of the Code took place in June 2018.