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December 2020
Consultation of the European Commission – standard contractual clauses (“SCC”) for the transfer of personal data to third countries
The European Commission consulted stakeholders on draft implementing decision on standard contractual clauses (“SCC”) for the transfer of personal data to third countries. AFEP, which supports the Commission’s work on the SCC remaining GDPR compliant, nevertheless stress that this must go hand in hand with smooth global data flows. They raise serious concerns:
December 2020
AFEP Report | Trade & Climate Change: Quantitative Assessment of the Best Policy Tools
December 2020
European Commission’s call for contribution – Competition policy’s role in achieving the objectives of the Green Deal
AFEP member companies welcome the Commission’s work and stress that competition policy must allow the promotion of projects, cooperation, and technologies favourable to the achievement of the objectives of the Green Deal
October 2020
Consultation of the European Commission on relevant market definition – Detailed comments
The European Commission consulted stakeholders on the evaluation of its 1997 notice on the definition of the relevant market for the purposes of Community competition law.
October 2020
Consultation of the European Commission on the white paper on foreign subsidies
The European Commission consulted stakeholders on proposals to remedy the distortive effects of foreign subsidies on the EU internal market.
September 2020
Consultation of the European Commission on a new competition tool
The European Commission is consulting stakeholders on the need to create a new competition tool
September 2020
Position on the revision of e-commerce directive in the context of the Digital Services Act
In the context of the Digital Services Act, the Commission intends to revise the Directive on electronic commerce. AFEP publishes its position on the DSA as contribution to the Commission public consultation on this proposal.
July 2020
Position on the EU climate ambition for 2030
Following the European Commission’s stakeholders consultation in view of the impact assessment on the EU climate ambition for 2030 , AFEP publishes its answers and additional comments to the Commission’s questionnaire
May 2020
AFEP position on the GDPR application report
AFEP answered to the European Commission’s public consultation on its roadmap for the report on the application of the general data protection regulation (GDPR), which will be made public by 25 May 2020.