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November 2021
AFEP comments on the inclusion of sustainable development objectives in EU FTAs (TSD 15 point Action plan review)
In the context of the public consultation by the European Commission on the review of the 15 point Action plan on Trade and Sustainable Development (TSD) provisions in the EU FTAs, AFEP has clarified its position on the type of “TSD” commitments and enforcement mechanisms to be favoured
September 2021
AFEP Position – Revised Guidelines on State Aid for Climate, Energy and Environmental Aid (CEEAG)
Several modifications are envisaged: scope extension, enhanced flexibility and simplification of the existing rules, better targeting and improved coherence with other EU environmental and energy policies.
July 2021
Proposal for a regulation on foreign subsidies – AFEP comments
AFEP welcomes the adoption of the proposal for a regulation on foreign subsidies distorting the internal market as a import step forward to tackle unfair competition based on subsidies from third countries. Large French companies are largely supportive of the proposed text (structure, cross-cutting competence of the European Commission inter alia) and make several proposals to strengthen the instrument while allievating administrative burden and minimizing legal uncertainty for EU companies.
July 2021
The revision of the NFRD is necessary to harmonise and standardise sustainability reporting and to end the proliferation of frameworks and standards. Despite French compagnies’ extensive experience and the lead they have taken on sustainability reporting, the Commission’s proposal will have a significant impact on their activities.
June 2021
RDI State aids – European Commission’s consultation
AFEP publishes its answer to the Commission’s consultation on its draft revision of its RDI state aid framework.
June 2021
Digital Markets Act (DMA) – Position and proposals
In the context of the current debates in the European Parliament and the Council of the EU on the Digital Markets Act, AFEP published its position and amendment proposals to the Commission’s text.
June 2021
Digital Services Act (DSA) – Position and proposals
In the context of the current debates in the European Parliament and the Council of the EU on the Digital Services Act, AFEP publishes its position and amendment proposals to the Commission’s text.
June 2021
AFEP position paper on an initiative toward an anti-coercion instrument
June 2021
Climate-friendly policies and WTO  : webinar on GATT clauses regarding processes and production methods (PPM)